reverse a character array in matlab

To reverse a character array in MATLAB, you can use indexing in the following way:

% define the character array
char_array = 'hello world';

% get the length of the array
array_length = length(char_array);

% initialize the result array as empty
result_array = [];

% iterate over the characters in the array
for i = array_length:-1:1
    % append the current character to the result array
    result_array = [result_array char_array(i)];

% display the result array
408 chars
18 lines

This code defines a character array called char_array, then gets the length of the array using the length function. It then initializes an empty array called result_array, and iterates over the characters in char_array in reverse order using a for loop. Within the loop, each character is appended to result_array using concatenation. Finally, result_array is displayed using the disp function.

After running this code, the output should be:

dlrow olleh
12 chars
2 lines

gistlibby LogSnag