smooth an image guassian in matlab

To smooth an image using a Gaussian filter in MATLAB, you can use the imgaussfilt function. This function applies a Gaussian smoothing kernel to the input image, resulting in a smoothed output image.

Here's an example of using imgaussfilt to smooth an image:

% Read in the input image
img = imread('input_image.png');

% Set the standard deviation of the Gaussian filter (sigma)
sigma = 2;

% Apply the Gaussian filter to the image
img_smoothed = imgaussfilt(img, sigma);

% Display the input and smoothed images side by side
imshowpair(img, img_smoothed, 'montage');
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In this example, we first read in the input image using imread. We then set the standard deviation of the Gaussian filter using the sigma variable. Finally, we apply the imgaussfilt function to the image, and store the result in the img_smoothed variable.

We can then display the input and smoothed images side by side using imshowpair, with the 'montage' option to display the images as a montage.

gistlibby LogSnag