how to use partial least squares regression (plsr) in fitlm in matlab

To use Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) in the fitlm function in MATLAB, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Load your data into MATLAB and organize it into two matrices: one matrix for the predictor variables (X) and one matrix for the response variable (Y). Ensure that X and Y have the same number of rows.

  2. Create a PLSR model by using the fitlm function with the 'PLSR' option for the 'RegressionType' parameter. This will specify that the PLSR algorithm should be used. Here is a basic example:

model = fitlm(X, Y, 'PLSR');
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  1. You can customize the PLSR model further by specifying additional options. For example, you can control the number of components to include in the model using the 'NumComponents' option. You can also specify whether to perform cross-validation using the 'CV' option. Here is an example with custom options:
model = fitlm(X, Y, 'PLSR', 'NumComponents', 3, 'CV', 'on');
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  1. Once you have created the PLSR model, you can make predictions using the predict function. For example, to predict the response variable for a new set of predictor variables, you can do:
newX = ... % new predictor variable data
predictedY = predict(model, newX);
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Note that the fitlm function in MATLAB also supports other types of regression models, such as linear regression (OLS), generalized linear regression (GLM), etc. Depending on your specific needs and data, you may need to select different options and models.

Make sure to consult the MATLAB documentation for more details on the fitlm function and the PLSR options it supports.

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