how to make rotated utm grid in matlab

To create a rotated UTM grid in MATLAB, you can use the utm2ll and deg2utm functions from the Mapping Toolbox. Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to create a rotated UTM grid:

% Define the UTM zone and rotation angle
utmZone = 48; % For example, UTM zone 48 in India
rotationAngle = 45; % Rotation angle in degrees

% Define the grid spacing
gridSpacing = 1000; % Spacing between grid lines in meters

% Create a meshgrid of rotated coordinates
[x,y] = meshgrid(0:gridSpacing:10000, 0:gridSpacing:10000);

% Convert the rotated coordinates back to UTM
[lat, lon] = utm2ll(x, y, utmZone);

% Rotate the UTM grid
lon1 = lon*cosd(rotationAngle) - lat*sind(rotationAngle);
lat1 = lon*sind(rotationAngle) + lat*cosd(rotationAngle);

% Plot rotated UTM grid
plot(lon1, lat1, 'b.');
title('Rotated UTM Grid');
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24 lines

Make sure you have the Mapping Toolbox installed to use the utm2ll and deg2utm functions. This code snippet creates a rotated UTM grid with a specified UTM zone and rotation angle. You can adjust the parameters like utmZone, rotationAngle, and gridSpacing to customize the rotated UTM grid according to your requirements.

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