how to create a 3d quadcopter in matlab

Creating a 3D quadcopter in MATLAB involves the following steps:

  1. Define the parameters of the quadcopter (e.g., mass, moments of inertia, center of mass, rotor locations, etc.).
  2. Use MATLAB's "patch" function to create a 3D model of the quadcopter.
  3. Define the equations of motion for the quadcopter and simulate its behavior using MATLAB's "ode45" solver.
  4. Use MATLAB's "plot3" function to visualize the quadcopter's motion in 3D space.

Here is some example code to get you started:

% Define the quadcopter's parameters
m = 1; % mass
Jx = 0.1; % moment of inertia about x-axis
Jy = 0.1; % moment of inertia about y-axis
Jz = 0.2; % moment of inertia about z-axis
L = 0.5; % distance from center of mass to rotors
k = 0.1; % lift/thrust coefficient
b = 0.01; % drag coefficient

% Create the 3D model of the quadcopter
vertices = [... % define the vertices of the quadcopter
faces = [... % define which vertices make up each face of the quadcopter

% Define the equations of motion
tspan = [0, 10]; % time span of simulation
x0 = [... % initial conditions for the quadcopter's state variables
[t, x] = ode45(@(t, x) quadcopterEOM(t, x, m, Jx, Jy, Jz, L, k, b), tspan, x0); % solve the equations of motion

% Plot the quadcopter's motion in 3D space
plot3(x(:,1), x(:,2), x(:,3));
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You will need to define the quadcopterEOM function, which takes as input the current time, state variables, and quadcopter parameters, and returns the derivative of the state variables (i.e., the right-hand side of the equations of motion). This function will depend on your specific choice of quadcopter model and control strategy.

gistlibby LogSnag