how to create button inputs with arrow key in matlab

To create button inputs with arrow keys in MATLAB GUI, you can use the uicontrol function with a KeyPressFcn callback.

First, you need to create a GUI with a uicontrol button. For example:

f = figure;
b = uicontrol('Parent', f, 'Style', 'pushbutton', 'String', 'Click me');
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Then, you can add a KeyPressFcn callback function to the uicontrol button. The callback function will be called when a key is pressed while the button is in focus. Inside the callback function, you can check which arrow key was pressed and perform the desired action. For example:

set(b, 'KeyPressFcn', @buttonKeyPress);

function buttonKeyPress(src, event)
    switch event.Key
        case 'uparrow'
            % perform action for up arrow key
        case 'downarrow'
            % perform action for down arrow key
        case 'leftarrow'
            % perform action for left arrow key
        case 'rightarrow'
            % perform action for right arrow key
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In the above example, the buttonKeyPress function is called whenever a key is pressed while the uicontrol button is in focus. The event.Key field is used to determine which arrow key was pressed, and the appropriate action is performed based on the key. You can replace the comments with your desired action.

Note that you may need to set the uicontrol button's Enable property to 'on' and Interruptible property to 'on' to enable keyboard input.

set(b, 'Enable', 'on', 'Interruptible', 'on');
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gistlibby LogSnag