random number generator in matlab

In MATLAB, you can use the rand function to generate random numbers between 0 and 1. If you want to generate random integers within a specific range, you can use the randi function.

Here are some examples:

To generate a single random number between 0 and 1:

random_number = rand;
22 chars
2 lines

To generate an array of random numbers between 0 and 1:

random_numbers = rand(1, n); % Replace 'n' with the desired size of the array
78 chars
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To generate a single random integer between minval and maxval:

random_integer = randi([minval, maxval]);
42 chars
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To generate an array of random integers between minval and maxval:

random_integers = randi([minval, maxval], 1, n); % Replace 'n' with the desired size of the array
98 chars
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Note that the rand function generates random numbers from a uniform distribution, while the randi function generates random integers from a uniform discrete distribution.

You can also set the seed for reproducibility using the rng function. For example:

rng(123); % Sets the seed
random_number = rand;
48 chars
3 lines

This will generate the same random number every time you run the code.

Remember to replace minval, maxval, and n with your desired values.

gistlibby LogSnag