how to list unused simulink variables in the workspace in matlab

To list unused Simulink variables in the workspace in MATLAB, you can write a script that makes use of the Simulink.findVars function. This function returns a list of all Simulink variables in the workspace. You can then use the whos function to get a list of all variables currently in the workspace. Finally, you can compare these two lists to find any unused Simulink variables.

Here's a code snippet that shows how to do this:

% Get all Simulink variables in the workspace
allSimVars = Simulink.findVars('TargetWorkspace', 'base');

% Get all variables in the workspace
allVars = evalin('base', 'whos');

% Find unused Simulink variables
unusedVars = setdiff({allSimVars.Name}, {});

% Display list of unused Simulink variables
fprintf('Unused Simulink Variables:\n');
372 chars
13 lines

This code first uses Simulink.findVars to get a list of all Simulink variables in the workspace. It then uses evalin to run whos in the base workspace and get a list of all variables. The setdiff function is used to find the Simulink variables that are not in the list of all variables, which gives us the unused Simulink variables. Finally, we print out the list of unused Simulink variables using fprintf and disp.

Note that this code assumes that you want to check for unused Simulink variables in the base workspace. If you're using a different workspace, you'll need to modify the Simulink.findVars and evalin functions accordingly.

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