autoencoder to remove watermarks in matlab

To remove watermarks from an image using an autoencoder in MATLAB, follow the steps below:

  1. Load the watermarked image.
img = imread('watermark.png');
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  1. Convert the image to grayscale and resize it to a manageable size.
img = imresize(rgb2gray(img), [256 256]);
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  1. Create a copy of the original image to use as the input for the autoencoder.
noisy_img = img;
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  1. Generate the watermark to be removed using a similar size and shape as the image.
watermark = imread('watermark.png');
watermark = imresize(rgb2gray(watermark), [256 256]);
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  1. Add the watermark to the image to create the watermarked image.
watermarked_img = img + watermark;
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  1. Normalize the noisy image and watermarked image.
noisy_img = double(noisy_img)/255;
watermarked_img = double(watermarked_img)/255;
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  1. Define the architecture of the autoencoder, the number of layers, and the size of the bottleneck layer.
input_size = size(noisy_img);
latent_dimension = 64;
encoder = [
    imageInputLayer(input_size, 'Normalization', 'none', 'Name', 'input')  
    fullyConnectedLayer(512, 'Name', 'encoder_fc1')
    reluLayer('Name', 'encoder_relu1')
    fullyConnectedLayer(256, 'Name', 'encoder_fc2')
    reluLayer('Name', 'encoder_relu2')
    fullyConnectedLayer(128, 'Name', 'encoder_fc3')
    reluLayer('Name', 'encoder_relu3')
    fullyConnectedLayer(latent_dimension, 'Name', 'encoder_fc4')
    reluLayer('Name', 'encoder_relu4')
decoder = [
    fullyConnectedLayer(128, 'Name', 'decoder_fc1')
    reluLayer('Name', 'decoder_relu1')
    fullyConnectedLayer(256, 'Name', 'decoder_fc2')
    reluLayer('Name', 'decoder_relu2')
    fullyConnectedLayer(512, 'Name', 'decoder_fc3')
    reluLayer('Name', 'decoder_relu3')
    fullyConnectedLayer(prod(input_size), 'Name', 'decoder_fc4')
    reshapeLayer(input_size, 'Name', 'output')
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  1. Combine the encoder and decoder networks to create the autoencoder.
layers = [encoder; decoder];
lgraph = layerGraph(layers);
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  1. Define the options and train the autoencoder using the noisy image as the input and the watermarked image as the target output.
options = trainingOptions('adam', ...
    'MaxEpochs', 200, ...
    'MiniBatchSize', 64, ...
    'Verbose', true);

[net, train_info] = trainNetwork(noisy_img, watermarked_img, lgraph, options);
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  1. Use the trained autoencoder to remove the watermark from the image.
pred = predict(net, noisy_img);
denoised_img = uint8(pred*255);

subplot(1,3,1); imshow(img); title('Original Image');
subplot(1,3,2); imshow(watermarked_img); title('Watermarked Image');
subplot(1,3,3); imshow(denoised_img); title('Denoised Image');
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Note: The quality of the watermarked image and the watermark itself can have a significant impact on the performance of the autoencoder. In some cases, the watermark may not be completely removed or may leave artifacts in the denoised image.

gistlibby LogSnag