n = 0:8; x = 10.*dirac(n) - (n+1).*dirac(n-5) + (n-5).*dirac(n-6); stem(n,x) xlabel('n') ylabel('x(n)') title('plot of x(n) using dirac delta functions') in matlab

To plot the function x(n) using Dirac delta functions in MATLAB, you can use the following code:

n = 0:8;
x = 10.*dirac(n) - (n+1).*dirac(n-5) + (n-5).*dirac(n-6);

title('Plot of x(n) using Dirac delta functions')
155 chars
8 lines

This code defines the range of n as 0 to 8 and calculates the values of x(n) based on the given equation. Then, the stem function is used to create a stem plot, which is a discrete plot. The xlabel, ylabel, and title functions are used to add labels to the plot.

When you run this code, you will get a plot of x(n) using Dirac delta functions.

Note: The dirac function in MATLAB represents the Dirac delta function.

gistlibby LogSnag