write a matlab code based on bisection and false position methods to find the root of an equation. determine the root of 𝑓(𝑥) = (0.9−0.4𝑥)/𝑥 in matlab

To find the root of the equation 𝑓(𝑥) = (0.9−0.4𝑥)/𝑥 using bisection and false position methods in MATLAB, you can follow the code below:

function root = findRoot()
    % Define the function
    f = @(x) (0.9 - 0.4 * x) ./ x;

    % Define the interval [a, b] within which the root lies
    a = -1;
    b = 1;

    % Define the desired accuracy
    epsilon = 1e-6;

    % Perform bisection method
    x_bisec = bisectionMethod(f, a, b, epsilon);
    fprintf('Root found using Bisection method: %f\n', x_bisec);

    % Perform false position method
    x_falsepos = falsePositionMethod(f, a, b, epsilon);
    fprintf('Root found using False Position method: %f\n', x_falsepos);

    % Output the root found
    root = x_falsepos;

function root = bisectionMethod(f, a, b, epsilon)
    % Check if the interval contains a root
    if f(a) * f(b) >= 0
        error('The interval does not contain a root or contains multiple roots.')

    % Perform the bisection method
    while abs(b - a) > epsilon
        c = (a + b) / 2;
        if f(c) == 0
        elseif f(a) * f(c) < 0
            b = c;
            a = c;

    % Return the root
    root = (a + b) / 2;

function root = falsePositionMethod(f, a, b, epsilon)
    % Check if the interval contains a root
    if f(a) * f(b) >= 0
        error('The interval does not contain a root or contains multiple roots.')

    % Perform the false position method
    while abs(b - a) > epsilon
        c = (a * f(b) - b * f(a)) / (f(b) - f(a));
        if f(c) == 0
        elseif f(a) * f(c) < 0
            b = c;
            a = c;

    % Return the root
    root = (a * f(b) - b * f(a)) / (f(b) - f(a));

% Call the main function
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70 lines

Make sure to save this code in a MATLAB script file (e.g., root_finder.m). When you run the script, it will find the root of the equation using both the bisection method and the false position method and display the results.

Note that in both methods, we check if the interval contains a root by ensuring that the function values at the interval endpoints have different signs. If they have the same sign, it means that there is no root or there are multiple roots within the interval.

Also, we define the desired accuracy (epsilon) to determine when to stop the iteration loop. In the above code, we set epsilon to 1e-6, meaning the iteration will continue until the interval size becomes smaller than 1e-6.

Remember to provide appropriate initial interval bounds (a and b) that contain the root you are looking for.

gistlibby LogSnag