low pass filter data to remove high-frequency content from the original signal in matlab

To low pass filter data in Matlab, you can use the designfilt and filter functions. The designfilt function generates a filter object, while the filter function applies the filter to the original signal.

Here is an example code for implementing a low pass filter:

% Define Sampling Frequency and Cutoff Frequency
fs = 100; %Hz
fc = 20; %Hz

% Define Filter Specifications
order = 4; %Filter Order

% Define the Filter Object
lpFilt = designfilt('lowpassfir','FilterOrder',order,'CutoffFrequency',fc,...

% Apply the Filter to the Data
filteredData = filter(lpFilt,originalData);
340 chars
14 lines

In this example, the fs and fc variables define the sampling frequency and the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter, respectively. The order variable specifies the order of the filter. The designfilt function generates the filter object lpFilt based on the filter specifications. Finally, the filter function applies the filter to the original data and stores the filtered data in the filteredData variable.

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