write function to call a web api with a token and parse results in json in matlab in matlab

Here's an example function that calls a web API with a token and parses the results in JSON format using MATLAB's built-in functions:

function data = callAPIwithToken(api_url, token)
% Call a web API with a token and parse the results in JSON format.
% Inputs:
%     api_url: the URL of the web API
%     token: the token to send with the API request
% Output:
%     data: a struct containing the parsed JSON data

% Set up the API request headers
headers = matlab.net.http.HeaderField('Authorization', ['Bearer ' token]);

% Make the API request and read the response as a string
response = webread(api_url, weboptions('HeaderFields', headers));
response_str = response{1};

% Parse the JSON data
data = jsondecode(response_str);

602 chars
20 lines

To use this function, you would call it with the URL of the web API and the token:

api_url = 'https://api.example.com/data';
token = 'abc123';

data = callAPIwithToken(api_url, token);
102 chars
5 lines

This function uses MATLAB's webread function to make the API request and jsondecode to parse the JSON response into a struct that you can use in your MATLAB code. You'll need to make sure that the web API response is in valid JSON format for this to work.

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