create scrabble game in matlab

To create a simple Scrabble game in MATLAB, we can follow these steps:

  1. Create the game board: The game board is a 15x15 grid. We can create a graphical representation of this board using MATLAB's built-in image and colormap functions. Here is an example:
board = zeros(15,15);
board([1,8,15],[1,8,15]) = 2; % Bonus tiles (triple word score)
board([1,15],[5,11]) = 3; % Bonus tiles (double letter score)
board([2,14],[6,10]) = 4; % Bonus tiles (triple letter score)
board([4,12],[4,12]) = 5; % Bonus tiles (double word score)
colormap([1 1 1; .8 .8 .8; 1 .5 0; 0 .6 1; 1 0 1])
axis image;
axis off;
359 chars
10 lines
  1. Load the Scrabble tiles: We can use a text file to store the tiles and their corresponding letter values. Here is an example file tiles.txt:
A 1
B 3
C 3
D 2
E 1
F 4
G 2
H 4
I 1
J 8
K 5
L 1
M 3
N 1
O 1
P 3
Q 10
R 1
S 1
T 1
U 1
V 4
W 4
X 8
Y 4
Z 10
106 chars
27 lines

We can load this file into MATLAB using the importdata function:

tiles = importdata('tiles.txt');
33 chars
2 lines
  1. Create the tile rack: Each player starts with a rack of 7 tiles. We can create a tile rack using MATLAB's randperm function to randomly select 7 tiles from the tiles list. Here is an example:
rack = randperm(length(tiles), 7);
rack_letters = cell(1,7);
for i=1:7
    rack_letters{i} = tiles(rack(i));
133 chars
7 lines
  1. Implement tile placement: Players take turns placing tiles on the board to form words. We can implement tile placement using MATLAB's ginput function to get the coordinates of the tile placement and the inputdlg function to get the letter that the player wants to place. Here is an example:
[x,y] = ginput(1);
letter_input = inputdlg('Letter to place:');
letter = upper(letter_input{1});
board(y,x) = letter_value(letter);
132 chars
5 lines
  1. Implement scoring: Each word that is formed earns points based on the letters used and the bonus tiles on the board. We can implement scoring by calculating the score for each word that is formed and updating the player's score accordingly. Here is an example:
word_score = 0;
word_multiplier = 1;
for i=1:length(word)
    letter = word(i);
    letter_score = letter_value(letter);
    tile_multiplier = 1;
    if board(y,x) == 2
        word_multiplier = word_multiplier * 2;
    elseif board(y,x) == 3
        word_multiplier = word_multiplier * 3;
    elseif board(y,x) == 4
        tile_multiplier = tile_multiplier * 2;
    elseif board(y,x) == 5
        tile_multiplier = tile_multiplier * 3;
    word_score = word_score + letter_score * tile_multiplier;
word_score = word_score * word_multiplier;
score = score + word_score;
583 chars
20 lines

gistlibby LogSnag