design the function function loss = loss_func(t_hat, t) that computes the empirical loss f binary predictions t_hat in matlab
functionloss = loss_func(t_hat, t)% Calculates the empirical loss of binary predictions t_hat% t_hat: predicted labels% t: true labels% loss: empirical loss% Calculate the loss using the cross-entropy loss functionloss = -t.*log(t_hat) - (1-t).*log(1-t_hat);
% Take the mean of the lossesloss = mean(loss);
322 chars
14 lines
The input t_hat represents the predicted binary labels, and t represents the true binary labels.
The function uses the cross-entropy loss function to calculate the loss.
The cross-entropy loss function is defined as:
L = -t*log(t_hat) - (1-t)*log(1-t_hat)
39 chars
2 lines
The loss is calculated for each point and then taking the mean of these losses to calculate the empirical loss of the whole set of predictions.
The function returns the value of empirical loss, which quantifies how far the predicted labels are from the true labels.