how ti create an a star algorithm in matlab

Here is a simple implementation of A* algorithm in MATLAB:

function [path, cost] = astar(maze, start, goal, heuristic)
% Inputs:
%   maze: a binary matrix where 0 represents a free cell and 1 represents
%         an obstacle.
%   start: a 1x2 matrix representing the starting cell.
%   goal: a 1x2 matrix representing the goal cell.
%   heuristic: a handle to the heuristic function.
% Output:
%   path: a matrix where each row represents a cell on the path from start to goal.
%   cost: the cost of the path.

[m, n] = size(maze);

% Create a matrix to store the cost of each cell.
cost = ones(m, n) * Inf;
cost(start(1), start(2)) = 0;

% Create a matrix to store the parent of each cell.
parent = zeros(m, n);

% Create a list to store the open cells.
openset = PriorityQueue(heuristic(start, goal));
openset.put(start, 0);

% Create a list to store the closed cells.
closedset = [];

while ~openset.isempty()
    % Get the cell with the lowest score in the open set.
    current = openset.get();

    % Check if it is the goal cell.
    if isequal(current, goal)
        path = goal;
        while ~isequal(path(1,:), start)
            path = [parent(path(1,1), path(1,2)); path];

    % Move the current cell from the open set to the closed set.
    closedset = [closedset; current];

    % Get the neighbors of the current cell.
    neighbors = get_neighbors(current, maze);

    for i = 1:size(neighbors, 1)
        % Get the neighbor cell.
        neighbor = neighbors(i,:);

        % Compute the tentative cost to the neighbor cell.
        tentative_cost = cost(current(1), current(2)) + 1;

        if tentative_cost < cost(neighbor(1), neighbor(2))
            % Update the cost of the neighbor cell.
            cost(neighbor(1), neighbor(2)) = tentative_cost;

            % Set the parent of the neighbor cell to the current cell.
            parent(neighbor(1), neighbor(2)) = current;

            % Add the neighbor cell to the open set.
            priority = tentative_cost + heuristic(neighbor, goal);
            openset.put(neighbor, priority);

% If the goal cell is not reachable, return an empty path.
path = [];
cost = Inf;

function neighbors = get_neighbors(cell, maze)
[m, n] = size(maze);

% Get the indices of the neighbors of the cell.
indices = [cell(1)-1, cell(2);
           cell(1)+1, cell(2);
           cell(1), cell(2)-1;
           cell(1), cell(2)+1];

% Keep only the neighbors that are inside the maze and not obstacles.
is_valid = indices(:,1) >= 1 & indices(:,1) <= m & ...
           indices(:,2) >= 1 & indices(:,2) <= n & ...
           maze(sub2ind([m, n], indices(:,1), indices(:,2))) == 0;
neighbors = indices(is_valid, :);
2689 chars
89 lines

To use the function, you need to define a heuristic function that estimates the distance from a cell to the goal. For example, you can use the Euclidean distance:

function h = euclidean(a, b)
h = norm(a - b);
50 chars
4 lines

Here is an example of how to use the function:

% Create a 10x10 maze with some obstacles.
maze = zeros(10);
maze(2:4,6) = 1;
maze(7:9,4) = 1;
maze(4,2:4) = 1;
maze(5:6,8:9) = 1;

% Find a path from (1,1) to (10,10).
path = astar(maze, [1,1], [10,10], @euclidean);

% Display the maze and the path.
imshow(maze, 'InitialMagnification', 'fit')
hold on
plot(path(:,2), path(:,1), 'r', 'LineWidth', 2)
hold off
360 chars
16 lines

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