how to access dates of a table that are set as index in matlab

If a table is indexed by datetime values i.e., it has a row with datetime values, the easiest way to access these values is by using the table_name.Properties.RowTimes property.

Here is an example:

% Create an example table
time = datetime('now') + hours(1:4)';
data = [1 2 3 4]';
example_table = table(data,'RowNames',time,'VariableNames',{'Data'})

% Access the datetime values
datetime_values = example_table.Properties.RowTimes
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Here, datetime_values will be a datetime array containing all the datetime values used as row names in the table.

If you want to extract a particular datetime value, you can use standard MATLAB indexing. For example:

% Get data associated with a specific time value
specific_time = datetime('now') + hours(2);
data_value = example_table{specific_time,'Data'}
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Here, data_value will contain the value of 3, which is associated with the specific_time value.

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