write code that applies the gamma function to an image in matlab

To apply the gamma function to an image in Matlab, you can use the following code:

% Read the input image
image = imread('input_image.jpg');

% Convert the image to double precision for calculations
image = im2double(image);

% Define the gamma value
gamma = 0.5;  % Adjust this value as needed

% Apply the gamma function to the image
output = image.^gamma;

% Scale the output image back to the range [0, 255]
output = output * 255;

% Convert the output image to uint8 datatype
output = uint8(output);

% Display the result
460 chars
21 lines

Make sure to replace 'input_image.jpg' with the path to your actual input image. Adjust the gamma value as needed to achieve the desired gamma correction effect.

This code reads an image, converts it to double precision, applies the gamma function using the image.^gamma syntax, scales the output image to the range [0, 255], converts it back to uint8 datatype, and displays the resulting image.

Please note that the gamma function in this code assumes the standard gamma correction formula output = input.^gamma, where input is the input image and gamma is the gamma value. If you are using a different gamma correction formula, you may need to modify the code accordingly.

gistlibby LogSnag