how to plot fitness function changes at each genetic algorithm generation at case of minimize fitness in matlab

To plot the fitness function changes at each genetic algorithm generation in MATLAB, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Define the fitness function: First, you need to define your fitness function. Make sure to design it such that a lower fitness value corresponds to a better solution (i.e., minimize the fitness).

  2. Set up the genetic algorithm: Use MATLAB's built-in genetic algorithm function, ga, to set up and run the genetic algorithm. You will need to define the options and constraints for your optimization problem.

  3. Capture fitness values: During the genetic algorithm run, you can access and store the fitness values at each generation using the OutputFcn option of the ga function. This OutputFcn is a user-defined function that is executed at the end of each generation.

Here is an example code that demonstrates how to plot the fitness function changes at each generation:

% Step 1: Define the fitness function
fitnessFunc = @(x) yourFitnessFunction(x); % replace 'yourFitnessFunction' with the actual name of your fitness function

% Step 2: Set up the genetic algorithm
options = gaoptimset('OutputFcn', @gaoutputfcn);

% Step 3: Define the output function
function [state, options, flag] = gaoutputfcn(options, state, flag)
    persistent fitnessValues; % stores fitness values at each generation

    if strcmpi(flag, 'init')
        fitnessValues = []; % initialize fitnessValues array
    % store fitness value of each generation
    fitnessValues = [fitnessValues; state.Score];
    % plot the fitness function changes at each generation
    title('Fitness Function Changes at Each Generation')
    ylabel('Fitness Value')
    drawnow  % update the figure

    % update state and options
    state.FitnessValues = fitnessValues;
    options.OutputFcn = @gaoutputfcn;

% Run the genetic algorithm
[x, fval] = ga(fitnessFunc, nvars, options);
1046 chars
32 lines

In this example, yourFitnessFunction should be replaced with the name of your actual fitness function. The state.Score inside gaoutputfcn represents the fitness value of the current generation.

This code will generate a plot showing the changes in fitness values at each generation of the genetic algorithm.

Make sure to replace nvars with the number of variables in your optimization problem.

Remember to adjust other parameters of the gaoptimset function and ga function based on your specific problem setup.

Note: It is important to have your fitness function designed correctly in order to achieve the desired goal of minimizing the fitness value.

gistlibby LogSnag