bmp180 sensor code in matlab

To read data from a BMP180 sensor using MATLAB, you can follow these steps:

  1. Connect your BMP180 sensor to your computer properly.

  2. Install the MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware by following the instructions provided by MathWorks here.

  3. Open MATLAB and create a new blank script file.

  4. Initialize a connection with your Arduino board using the arduino function. Make sure to provide the appropriate parameters, such as the port name of your Arduino board.

a = arduino('COM4', 'Uno');
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  1. Use the i2cdev function to create a connection with the BMP180 sensor. Specify the I2C bus number ( usually 0 or 1) and the device address of the BMP180 sensor. The default device address for BMP180 is 0x77.
bmp = i2cdev(a, 'I2CAddress', 0x77, 'Bus', 1);
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  1. Initialize the BMP180 sensor by writing appropriate control registers.
writeRegister(bmp, 0xF4, hex2dec('2E'));  % Start temperature measurement
pause(0.005);  % Wait for conversion to complete
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  1. Read the temperature data from the BMP180 sensor using the readRegister function.
UT = readRegister(bmp, 0xF6, 'int16');  % Read raw temperature value
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  1. Calculate the actual temperature using the obtained raw value, as described in the BMP180 datasheet.
X1 = (UT - ac6) * ac5 / 32768;
X2 = mc * 2048 / (X1 + md);
T = (X1 + X2 + 8) / 16;
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  1. Similarly, reading other sensor data such as pressure, altitude, etc., can be done by following the steps mentioned in the BMP180 datasheet.

  2. Make sure to release the resources properly before closing MATLAB.

clear bmp;
clear a;
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Please note that this code assumes you have obtained the calibration coefficients (ac6, ac5, mc, md) from the BMP180 sensor datasheet.

Remember to adjust the port name and other necessary settings according to your setup.

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