create an attendance marking system in matlab

Here's a simple implementation of an attendance marking system in MATLAB:

% Create a database of students
students = {'John Smith', 'Jane Doe', 'Bob Johnson', 'Sarah Lee', 'Tom Brown'};

% Get the current date and time
currentTime = datetime('now');

% Create a new attendance table for today's date
attendance = table(students', zeros(length(students),1), 'VariableNames', {'Name', datestr(currentTime, 'dd-mmm-yyyy')});

% Mark students as present or absent
attendance{'John Smith', datestr(currentTime, 'dd-mmm-yyyy')} = 'Present';
attendance{'Jane Doe', datestr(currentTime, 'dd-mmm-yyyy')} = 'Absent';
attendance{'Bob Johnson', datestr(currentTime, 'dd-mmm-yyyy')} = 'Present';
attendance{'Sarah Lee', datestr(currentTime, 'dd-mmm-yyyy')} = 'Present';
attendance{'Tom Brown', datestr(currentTime, 'dd-mmm-yyyy')} = 'Absent';

% Display the attendance table
806 chars
19 lines

This code creates a database of students, gets the current date and time, and creates a new attendance table for today's date. Then it marks each student as either present or absent by updating the attendance table accordingly. Finally, it displays the attendance table.

You can modify this code as needed to add additional functionality, such as the ability to save and load attendance data, or to generate reports based on attendance data.

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