canny edge detection, hough transform and find 10 peaks. use houghlines and fillgap to make an overlay in matlab

Here's an example code on how to use Canny edge detection, Hough transform, and find 10 peaks in Matlab:

% Read the image
img = imread('my_image.jpg');

% Convert the image to grayscale
grayImg = rgb2gray(img);

% Apply Canny edge detection
edges = edge(grayImg, 'Canny');

% Apply Hough transform to detect lines
[H,theta,rho] = hough(edges);
peaks = houghpeaks(H,10);

% Find lines in the image using Hough lines
lines = houghlines(edges,theta,rho,peaks,'FillGap',100,'MinLength',200);

% Create an overlay of the detected lines on the original image
overlay = imoverlay(img, edges, [1 0 0]);
for k=1:length(lines)
   x1 = lines(k).point1(1);
   y1 = lines(k).point1(2);
   x2 = lines(k).point2(1);
   y2 = lines(k).point2(2);
   hold on;
   plot([x1 x2],[y1 y2],'LineWidth',2,'Color','green');

% Show the original image and the overlay with detected lines
figure, imshow(overlay);
797 chars
31 lines

In the above code, we first read an image, convert it to grayscale, and then apply Canny edge detection to get the edges in the image. We then use Hough transform to detect lines in the image and find 10 peaks. We use houghlines function to find the actual lines in the image and make an overlay of the detected lines on the original image using imoverlay function. Finally, we display the original image and the overlay with detected lines.

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