how to connect two hough lines in matlab

To connect two Hough lines in MATLAB, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Detect the Hough lines in the image using the hough and houghlines functions.

    [H,T,R] = hough(BW);
    P  = houghlines(BW,T,R,P,'FillGap',gap,'MinLength',minlen);
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    Here, BW is the binary image, P is the output structure containing the endpoints of the detected lines, gap is the maximum distance between the two points that can be considered as connected, and minlen is the minimum length of a line that can be detected.

  2. Convert the endpoints of the Hough lines to Cartesian coordinates.

    xy = [P(1).point1; P(1).point2; P(2).point1; P(2).point2];
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    Here, xy is a 4x2 matrix where each row represents the (x,y) coordinates of an endpoint.

  3. Compute the distance between the endpoints of the two Hough lines.

    d = pdist2(xy(1:2,:), xy(3:4,:));
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  4. Find the indices of the minimum distance in the distance matrix.

    [minDist,indMin] = min(d(:));
    [row,col] = ind2sub(size(d),indMin);
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  5. Connect the two Hough lines using the endpoints with the minimum distance.

    line([xy(row,1) xy(col+2,1)], [xy(row,2) xy(col+2,2)], 'Color', 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
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    Here, we use the line function to draw a red line connecting the two endpoints with the minimum distance.

Note that this code assumes there are only two Hough lines detected. If there are more than two lines, you will need to modify the code to connect the correct pair of lines.

gistlibby LogSnag