how to remove a row in table() based on the condition that it is weekend in matlab when the rownames are set as dates in matlab

To remove a row from a table based on a condition that it is a weekend, you can use the table function in MATLAB along with datetime values and a conditional statement.

Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

% Create a sample table with dates as row names
data = [1, 2; 3, 4; 5, 6];
dates = datetime({'2022-05-23', '2022-05-24', '2022-05-25'}, 'InputFormat', 'yyyy-MM-dd');
t = table(data(:,1), data(:,2), 'RowNames', cellstr(datestr(dates)), 'VariableNames', {'Column1', 'Column2'});

% Get the day of week for each row
dayOfWeek = weekday(dates);

% Set condition to remove rows that are on weekends (Saturday or Sunday)
condition = (dayOfWeek ~= 1) & (dayOfWeek ~= 7);

% Keep rows that satisfy the condition
filteredTable = t(condition, :);
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14 lines

In the above example, we created a sample table t with dates as the row names. Then, we used the weekday function to get the day of the week for each row. We defined a condition to remove rows that have a day of week as 1 (Saturday) or 7 (Sunday). Finally, we used the condition to filter the table and store the result in filteredTable.

Note that the weekday function returns the day of the week as an integer where Sunday is 1 and Saturday is 7 in MATLAB's convention.

Hope this helps!

gistlibby LogSnag