track a moving boundary in footage and image set in matlab

To track a moving boundary in a set of images or footage in MATLAB, you can use computer vision techniques such as object tracking and motion estimation. One popular approach is to use the Lucas-Kanade algorithm for optical flow estimation, which tracks the motion of points in the image and uses them to estimate the motion of the entire object.

Here's an example code using the Lucas-Kanade algorithm to track a moving boundary:


% Load image or video sequence
vidReader = VideoReader('myVideo.avi');

% Create optical flow object
opticFlow = opticalFlowLK;

% Initialize variables for tracking
prevFrame = rgb2gray(readFrame(vidReader));
oldPoints = detectMinEigenFeatures(prevFrame, 'MinQuality', 0.001);
oldPoints = oldPoints.Location;
bboxPoints = bbox2points(boundingBox);
xCenter = mean(oldPoints(:,1));
yCenter = mean(oldPoints(:,2));
prevFeatures = extractFeatures(prevFrame, oldPoints);

% Loop through frames
while hasFrame(vidReader)
    currentFrame = rgb2gray(readFrame(vidReader));
    [currFeatures, currPoints, validIdx] = ...
        estimateFeatureFlow(opticFlow, prevFrame, currentFrame, prevFeatures, oldPoints);
    newPoints = oldPoints(validIdx, :);
    oldFeatures = prevFeatures(validIdx, :);
    xCenter = mean(newPoints(:,1));
    yCenter = mean(newPoints(:,2));
    bboxPoints = bbox2points(boundingBox);
    prevFeatures = currFeatures;
    oldPoints = newPoints;
    prevFrame = currentFrame;

    % Display tracked object
    videoFrame = insertShape(currentFrame, 'Polygon', bboxPoints, 'LineWidth', 2);
    videoFrame = insertMarker(videoFrame, [xCenter yCenter], 'Color', 'green', 'Size', 10);
1240 chars
37 lines

This code will track the motion of the object and display a bounding box and centroid marker on each frame of the video sequence. You can modify it to track only a specific object or boundary by changing the detection method or the points used for tracking.

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