find the second sequence of zeros in array in matlab

To find the second sequence of zeros in an array in MATLAB, you can use a loop to iterate through each element of the array, checking for consecutive zeros. Once you find the first sequence of zeros, you can continue iterating until you find a second sequence of zeros.

Here's an example code:

% Example array
arr = [1 2 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 5];

% Initialize counter and index variables
count = 0;
last_zero_index = 0;

% Loop through array
for i = 1:length(arr)
    if arr(i) == 0 % If current element is zero
        if count == 1 % If this is the second zero
            fprintf('Second sequence of zeros found starting at index %d\n', last_zero_index);
        else % If this is the first zero
            count = 1;
            last_zero_index = i;
    else % If current element is not zero
        count = 0;
558 chars
22 lines

In this code, we first define the array arr. We then create a loop that iterates through each element of the array. Inside the loop, we check if the current element is equal to zero. If it is, we check if this is the first or second zero in a sequence. If it's the second zero, then we print out a message letting us know the second sequence of zeros have been found and break out of the loop. If it's the first zero in a sequence, then we set the count variable to 1 and save the index of this zero in last_zero_index. If the current element is not zero, then we set the count variable back to 0 since we're no longer in a sequence of zeros.

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