make a contraction metric for the system defined by xdot in matlab

To create a contraction metric for a system defined by xdot in MATLAB, one approach is to use the concept of Lyapunov functions. A Lyapunov function is a tool used to analyze the stability of a system by measuring the distance of the system's trajectory from an equilibrium point.

One way to create a contraction metric is to use a Lyapunov-like function that is exponentially decreasing along the system trajectories. This can be done by solving a partial differential equation called the "Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs" (HJI) equation. The solution to the HJI equation provides a radial distance around a nominal trajectory that is contracting for all trajectories in the system.

Here's an example code snippet in MATLAB to compute a contraction metric using HJI equation:

% Define system dynamics: xdot = f(x, u)
% Here, f is a function that takes x and u as input and returns xdot
f = @(x, u) [x(2); -x(1) + u];

% Define the state space
% Here, we assume x1 and x2 varies between -1 and 1, and u varies between -0.5 and 0.5
x1range = [-1, 1];
x2range = [-1, 1];
urange = [-0.5, 0.5];
N = 51;   % number of grid points in each dimension (increase N for higher accuracy)
[X1, X2, U] = ndgrid(linspace(x1range(1), x1range(2), N), ...
                     linspace(x2range(1), x2range(2), N), ...
                     linspace(urange(1), urange(2), N));

% Compute the contraction metric
% Here, we use the HJI toolbox for MATLAB (
% to solve the HJI equation and obtain the contraction metric
schemeData.grid = {X1, X2, U};
schemeData.dynSys = f;
schemeData.accuracy = 'high';  % increase accuracy for higher precision
[K, ~] = HJIPDE_solve(@minWithDeriv, schemeData, 'zero');

% Plot the contraction metric over the state space
S = sqrt(K);  % the contraction metric is the square root of the solution to HJI equation
slice(X1, X2, U, S, [0], [0], [0]);  % plot the contraction metric at u=0
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29 lines

Note that the choice of the Lyapunov function and the HJI solver parameters may affect the accuracy of the contraction metric. Therefore, it is important to carefully tune these parameters for the specific system under consideration.

gistlibby LogSnag