remove large features with binary iamge morphology in matlab

To remove large features in a binary image using morphology, you can use dilation followed by erosion operation. This operation is called opening operation. It removes large blobs from a binary image while maintaining the shape of smaller objects.

Here's an example code snippet in MATLAB:

% Read the binary image
binaryImage = imread('binary_image.png');

% Define the size of the structuring element for opening operation
seSize = 20;

% Create a disk structuring element
se = strel('disk', seSize);

% Perform opening operation on the binary image
binaryImageOpened = imopen(binaryImage, se);

% Show the result
subplot(1,2,1), imshow(binaryImage), title('Original Binary Image');
subplot(1,2,2), imshow(binaryImageOpened), title('Opened Binary Image');
475 chars
17 lines

In this code, we read the binary image using the imread function. Then, we define the seSize, which is the size of the structuring element used in the opening operation. A larger seSize will remove larger features from the binary image.

Next, we create a disk structuring element using the strel function. We specify disk as the shape of the structuring element and seSize as the size.

Finally, we perform opening operation on the binary image using the imopen function. The result is a binary image with large features removed.

We show both the original binary image and the opened binary image using the imshow and title functions inside a subplot.

gistlibby LogSnag