remove small size transitions using morphological operators in matlab

One way to remove small size transitions in MATLAB using morphological operations is to perform erosion followed by dilation. Erosion shrinks the bright regions in the image, while dilation expands them. The idea is that small transitions will disappear after erosion, and the remaining regions can be restored to their original sizes using dilation.

Here is some MATLAB code demonstrating this approach:

% Read input image
original = imread('input.png');

% Define structuring element for erosion/dilation
se = strel('disk', 3);

% Perform erosion followed by dilation
eroded = imerode(original, se);
result = imdilate(eroded, se);

% Display original and result side by side
imshowpair(original, result, 'montage');
313 chars
13 lines

In this code, we first read in the original image using imread. We then define a disk-shaped structuring element with radius 3 using strel. This structuring element will be used for both erosion and dilation.

Next, we perform erosion using imerode on the original image, followed by dilation using imdilate on the eroded image.

Finally, we display the original and resulting images side by side using imshowpair with the 'montage' option.

gistlibby LogSnag