how to add external documentation to a function in matlab

In MATLAB, you can add external documentation to a function by using the built-in commenting functionality. Specifically, you can add a HELP block to the function file that contains information about the function.

Here's an example of how to add external documentation to a MATLAB function:

function output = my_function(input)
% MY_FUNCTION - Brief description of the function
%   OUTPUT = MY_FUNCTION(INPUT) Detailed description of what the function does
%  Additional paragraphs of detailed description can be added here.
%  Author: Your Name
%  Email:
%  Website:
%  Date: 01-Jan-2019; Last revision: 01-Jan-2019

% Your function code here
475 chars
17 lines

Here, the % symbol is used to indicate comments, and the specific syntax of the HELP block will be recognized by MATLAB when the user types help my_function in the command window.

Make sure to fill in the documentation with relevant and useful information for the function users.

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