fit multiple positive and negative gaussian surface peaks that changes in time with shared kinetic parameters in matlab

To fit multiple positive and negative Gaussian surface peaks that change in time with shared kinetic parameters in MATLAB, you can use the curve fitting toolbox in MATLAB. Here is a general approach:

  1. Define your model: Start by defining your model function that represents the sum of multiple positive and negative Gaussian peaks. The model function should take the independent variable (time) and the parameters as inputs and return the predicted values.
function y = gaussianSurfaceModel(x, t, parameters)
    % Initialize output
    y = zeros(size(t));
    % Extract parameters
    amplitudePositive1 = parameters(1);
    amplitudeNegative1 = parameters(2);
    sigmaPositive1 = parameters(3);
    sigmaNegative1 = parameters(4);
    % ... add more parameters as needed
    % Compute contributions from each peak
    y = y + amplitudePositive1 * exp(-((t-x(1)).^2) / (2*sigmaPositive1^2));
    y = y + amplitudeNegative1 * exp(-((t-x(1)).^2) / (2*sigmaNegative1^2));
    % ... add more peaks as needed
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  1. Preprocess your data: Load or generate your observed data and prepare it for fitting.

  2. Fit the model to the data: Use the built-in lsqcurvefit function in MATLAB to fit the model function to the observed data.

% Define initial parameter values
initialParameters = [initialAmplitudePositive1, initialAmplitudeNegative1, initialSigmaPositive1, initialSigmaNegative1, ...];

% Perform the fit
fitParameters = lsqcurvefit(@gaussianSurfaceModel, initialParameters, t, y);
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  1. Extract the fitted parameters and evaluate the model: After fitting, you can extract the fitted parameters and evaluate the model at any desired time points.
% Extract the fitted parameters
amplitudePositive1_fit = fitParameters(1);
amplitudeNegative1_fit = fitParameters(2);
sigmaPositive1_fit = fitParameters(3);
sigmaNegative1_fit = fitParameters(4);
% ... extract more parameters as needed

% Evaluate the model at desired time points
y_fit = gaussianSurfaceModel(fitParameters, t);
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This is a general outline for fitting multiple positive and negative Gaussian surface peaks that change in time with shared kinetic parameters in MATLAB. You may need to modify and customize the model function and fitting procedure to suit your specific needs.

gistlibby LogSnag