how to change mouse cursor in app in matlab

To change the mouse cursor in a MATLAB app, you can use the set() function to update the 'Pointer' property of the figure or UI component.

To change the cursor for the entire app, you can use the following code:

figure;  % Create a figure
set(gcf, 'Pointer', 'hand');  % Set the cursor to a hand pointer
92 chars
3 lines

The 'Pointer' property can be set to various values to represent different cursors, such as:

  • 'arrow' for the default arrow cursor
  • 'hand' for a hand pointer cursor
  • 'crosshair' for a crosshair cursor
  • 'ibeam' for an I-beam cursor (text editing cursor)
  • 'watch' for a spinning watch cursor (commonly used to indicate loading)

If you want to change the cursor for a specific UI component, for example, a push button with the handle pushbutton1, you can use the following code:

set(pushbutton1, 'Pointer', 'hand');
37 chars
2 lines

You can replace 'hand' with any other valid cursor value to achieve the desired cursor appearance.

Note: The cursor change may not be possible in all platforms or environments, depending on the underlying operating system and hardware limitations.

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