write a test in matlab

In MATLAB, you can use the built-in testing framework, "MATLAB Unit Test Framework" to write tests. Below is an example of a simple test:

% Test file: test_my_function.m

classdef test_my_function < matlab.unittest.TestCase

    methods (Test)
        function testOutput(testCase)
            expectedOutput = 4;
            output = my_function(2);
            testCase.verifyEqual(output, expectedOutput);
300 chars
14 lines

This test checks if the output of my_function is equal to the expected output of 4 when the input argument is 2.

The test file must start with "test_" and have a ".m" file extension. The test class inherits from matlab.unittest.TestCase and contains test methods. Each test method must have "test" as a prefix and be within the "methods (Test)" block.

In the example above, verifyEqual is used to compare the output of my_function with the expected output. If the values are not equal, the test will fail.

To run the test, you can use the command runtests('test_my_function') in the MATLAB Command Window.

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