track a moving line from images in matlab

One approach to track a moving line from images in MATLAB involves the following steps:

  1. Read the sequence of images from a video file, or capture them through a video input device.
vidObj = VideoReader('myvideo.avi');
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  1. Convert the images to grayscale, so that they have only one channel.
grayFrame = rgb2gray(readFrame);
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  1. Detect the edges of the line in each frame, using an edge detection algorithm, such as Canny or Sobel.
edgeFrame = edge(grayFrame, 'Canny');
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  1. Apply a binary threshold to segment the line from the background, based on its intensity and/or color.
binFrame = grayFrame > threshold;
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  1. Use a morphological filter, such as a closing operation or a Hough transform, to enhance the line and remove any noise or gaps.
SE = strel('disk', 3);
morphFrame = imclose(binFrame, SE);
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  1. Track the movement of the line over time, using a motion estimation algorithm, such as Lucas-Kanade or Horn-Schunck.
points = detectSURFFeatures(grayFrame);
[features,valid_points] = extractFeatures(grayFrame, points);
indexPairs = matchFeatures(features1,features2);
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  1. Finally, visualize the tracked line and its trajectory, using a graphical interface, such as imshow or plot.
hold on;
plot(trackX, trackY, 'r-', 'LineWidth', 2);
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gistlibby LogSnag