how can i generate a clustered bar chart in matlab

To generate a clustered bar chart in MATLAB, you can use the bar function in combination with categorical data.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to create a clustered bar chart:

% Example data
categories = {'Category A', 'Category B', 'Category C'}; % categories or groups
group1 = [10, 15, 8]; % values for the first group
group2 = [12, 7, 9]; % values for the second group

% Creating the clustered bar chart
x = categorical(categories);
x = reordercats(x, categories); % optional step to order the categories

figure; % create a new figure window
bar(x, [group1', group2'], 'grouped');

% Adding labels and title
title('Clustered Bar Chart');

% Adding legend
legend('Group 1', 'Group 2');
555 chars
20 lines

In this code, we define the categories (groups) using the categories variable. Then, we define the data for each group in the group1 and group2 variables.

To create the clustered bar chart, we convert the categories into categorical data using categorical function. We also use reordercats to order the categories if needed.

Then, we call the bar function and pass the categorical data along with the values for each group. The 'grouped' option is used to create a clustered bar chart.

Finally, we add labels, title, and legend to make the chart more informative and visually appealing.

You can customize this code as per your specific data and requirements.

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