fifo queue in matlab

In MATLAB, a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) queue can be implemented using the built-in data structure cell and a few simple functions. Here is a sample implementation:

% Initialize an empty queue
queue = {};

% Enqueue an element to the end of the queue
queue(end+1) = {new_element};

% Dequeue an element from the front of the queue
if ~isempty(queue)
    front_element = queue{1};
    queue(1) = [];
    error('Cannot dequeue from an empty queue');
292 chars
14 lines

In this implementation, the queue variable is a cell array that stores the elements in the queue. To enqueue a new element, we simply append it to the end of the array using the end function. To dequeue an element, we first check if the queue is not empty (otherwise, we raise an error). If the queue is not empty, we extract the first element using the curly braces indexing syntax and then remove it from the array using the empty square brackets.

Note that this implementation assumes that the elements in the queue are of arbitrary data types. If you want to enforce a specific data type for the elements (e.g., only integers), you need to perform additional type checking and validation in the enqueue and dequeue functions.

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