parse med file in matlab

To parse med files in Matlab, one option is to use the DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) toolbox, which provides support for DICOM and other medical image file formats.

Assuming that the med file is in DICOM format, you can use the dicomread function to read the image data and dicominfo function to get metadata information:

% read DICOM file
image_data = dicomread('');

% get metadata information
metadata = dicominfo('');
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Alternatively, you can use the med2image function from the med2image toolbox to convert the med file to a supported image format (e.g., TIFF or PNG) and then read the image data using Matlab's built-in imread function:

% convert med file to TIFF image
med2image('', 'filename.tif');

% read TIFF image
image_data = imread('filename.tif');
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Note that the med2image toolbox requires Python to be installed on your system.

gistlibby LogSnag