plot ib versus vbe as function of six values of vce for a common emitter cjt in matlab

% Define the C-JT transistor parameters
Is = 1e-15;  % Saturation current
Vt = 26e-3;  % Thermal voltage

% Common-Emitter Configuration
beta = 100;     % Current gain
VCC = 10;       % Collector supply voltage

% Define the Base-Emitter voltage range
VBE = linspace(0.2, 0.8, 6);  % Six values of V_BE

% Define the Collector-Emitter voltage range
VCE = linspace(0, 5, 100);  % You can change 100 to more values for better resolution

IB = (Is / beta) * (exp(VBE / Vt) - 1);  % Base current calculation

hold on;

for i = 1:length(VBE)
    IC = Is * (exp(VBE(i) / Vt) - 1) - (1 + beta) * IB(i);  % Calcualting the collector current
    plot(VCE, IC .* 1e3, 'DisplayName', ['V_{BE} = ' num2str(VBE(i)) 'V']);

hold off;
xlabel('V_{CE} (Volts)');
ylabel('I_C (mA)');
title('Common-Emitter I_C vs. V_{CE}');
grid on;
835 chars
31 lines

This MATLAB code defines a common-emitter circuit with a C-JT transistor, calculates the base current (IB) and the corresponding collector current (IC) as functions of VCE for six different values of VBE, and finally plots the collector current versus VCE for each VBE value. You can adjust the parameters and the number of VCE values to suit your specific requirements.

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