berechnen sie 𝐚 durch die multiplikation von f und den diagonalelementen von d. handelt es sich bei 𝒂 um einen zeilen- oder spaltenvektor? in matlab

Assuming that f is a scalar and d is a diagonal matrix, we can compute a by multiplying f with the diagonal elements of d. In MATLAB, we can use the diag() function to access the diagonal elements of a matrix as a column vector. Then, we can multiply f with this column vector to get the desired result.

If we want the resulting vector a to be a row vector, we need to take the transpose of the product so that the dimensions match. On the other hand, if we want a to be a column vector, we can omit the transpose.

Here's the code to compute a as a row vector:

a = f * diag(d)';
18 chars
2 lines

Here's the code to compute a as a column vector:

a = f * diag(d);
17 chars
2 lines

gistlibby LogSnag