write a function to output tailwind css without using html in matlab

Here's an example function that takes in an array of class names and returns the corresponding Tailwind CSS styles as a string:

function output = generateTailwindClasses(classes)
    output = "";
    for i = 1:numel(classes)
        % Extract the class name and variant (if any)
        [className, variant] = regexp(classes(i), "^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(:[a-zA-Z]+)?$");
        className = className{1};
        variant = variant{1}(2:end);
        % Map class names to Tailwind CSS styles
        switch className
            case "bg-red-500"
                style = "background-color: #EF4444;";
            case "text-white"
                style = "color: #FFF;";
            case "px-4"
                style = "padding-left: 1rem; padding-right: 1rem;";
            % Add more cases for other classes as needed
                style = "";
        % Add variant-specific styles (if any)
        switch variant
            case "hover"
                style = sprintf("%s\n%s", style, ":hover { background-color: #F87171; }");
            case "focus"
                style = sprintf("%s\n%s", style, ":focus { outline: 2px solid #FBBF24; }");
            % Add more cases for other variants as needed
        % Append the final style to the output
        output = sprintf("%s\n%s", output, style);
    % Remove the leading newline from the output
    output = output(2:end);
1339 chars
38 lines

You can then call this function with an array of Tailwind CSS classes, like this:

classes = ["bg-red-500", "text-white:hover", "px-4:focus"];
output = generateTailwindClasses(classes);
117 chars
4 lines

This will output the following string:

background-color: #EF4444;
color: #FFF;
:hover { background-color: #F87171; }
padding-left: 1rem; padding-right: 1rem;
:focus { outline: 2px solid #FBBF24; }
158 chars
6 lines

gistlibby LogSnag