matlab code for beam finite element analysis in matlab

% Define the properties of the beam
E = 210e9; % Young's modulus in Pascal
L = 5; % Length of the beam in meters
b = 0.1; % Width of the beam in meters
h = 0.2; % Height of the beam in meters
A = b*h; % Cross-sectional area of the beam
I = (b*h^3)/12; % Moment of inertia of the beam

% Discretize the beam by dividing it into elements
num_elements = 5;
num_nodes = num_elements + 1;
nodes = linspace(0, L, num_nodes); % Node locations

% Assemble the stiffness matrix
K = zeros(2*num_nodes);
for e = 1:num_elements
    n1 = e;
    n2 = e+1;
    Le = nodes(n2) - nodes(n1);
    ke = (E*A/Le) * [1, -1; -1, 1] + (E*I/Le^3) * [12, 6*Le, -12, 6*Le; 6*Le, 4*Le^2, -6*Le, 2*Le^2; -12, -6*Le, 12, -6*Le; 6*Le, 2*Le^2, -6*Le, 4*Le^2];
    % Assemble the element stiffness matrix
    idx = [2*n1-1, 2*n1, 2*n2-1, 2*n2];
    K(idx, idx) = K(idx, idx) + ke;

% Apply boundary conditions
fixed_dofs = [1,2]; % Assuming both ends are fixed
free_dofs = setdiff(1:2*num_nodes, fixed_dofs);

% Solve for displacements
f_ext = zeros(2*num_nodes, 1); % External force vector (assuming no external force)
u = zeros(2*num_nodes, 1);
u(free_dofs) = K(free_dofs, free_dofs) \ (f_ext(free_dofs) - K(free_dofs, fixed_dofs) * u(fixed_dofs));

% Calculate the reaction forces
f_react = K(fixed_dofs, :) * u;

% Extract element forces and plot the deformed shape of the beam
hold on;
for e = 1:num_elements
    n1 = e;
    n2 = e+1;
    Le = nodes(n2) - nodes(n1);
    idx = [2*n1-1, 2*n1, 2*n2-1, 2*n2];
    ue = u(idx);
    fe = (E*A/Le) * ([1, -1] * ue(1:2)) + (E*I/Le^2) * ([-6, -3*Le, 6, -3*Le] * ue(3:4));
    % Plot the deformed shape of the beam element
    plot([nodes(n1), nodes(n2)], [ue(1), ue(3)], '-o');
hold off;
1728 chars
54 lines

This is a simple beam finite element analysis code in Matlab. It discretizes the beam into elements, assembles the stiffness matrix, applies boundary conditions, solves for displacements, calculates reaction forces, and plots the deformed shape of the beam.

gistlibby LogSnag