code to read column data and replace negative values with 0 in matlab

Here's an approach to accomplish this task:

% generate a sample data matrix for demonstration purposes
data = randn(10, 5);

% loop over columns of data matrix
for col = 1:size(data, 2)
    % replace negative values with zero using logical indexing
    data(data(:, col) < 0, col) = 0;
256 chars
11 lines


  • data is a sample data matrix with 10 rows and 5 columns, but you can replace it with your own data.
  • The for loop iterates over the columns of the data matrix.
  • The data(:, col) < 0 expression creates a logical index of all the rows in the column col that have negative values.
  • The expression data(data(:, col) < 0, col) = 0 assigns the value of 0 to all the cells in the col column of data matrix that have negative values, using logical indexing.

After running this code, the matrix data will have all its negative values replaced with 0.

gistlibby LogSnag