how to change the range of the fitness function at each generation in matlab

To change the range of the fitness function at each generation in MATLAB, you can define a custom fitness function that incorporates the desired range change. Here's an example:

function fitness = customFitnessFunction(x)
    % Define the range for each generation
    minRange = 0; % Minimum fitness value
    maxRange = 10; % Maximum fitness value

    % Calculate the fitness
    fitness = <your fitness calculation>;

    % Scale the fitness to the desired range
    fitness = minRange + (fitness - min(fitness)) * (maxRange - minRange) / (max(fitness) - min(fitness));
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In this example, x represents the population at each generation. Replace <your fitness calculation> with your implementation of the fitness function for your particular problem.

The minRange and maxRange variables define the desired range for the fitness function. You can change these values at each generation according to your requirements.

Make sure to use this custom fitness function in your optimization algorithm (e.g., genetic algorithm) by setting it as the FitnessFcn parameter.

gistlibby LogSnag