how to sum values of an array that are symbolic varaibles in matlab

To sum up only the numeric values in an array containing symbolic variables values in Matlab using the Symbolic Toolbox, you can convert the symbolic variables to their respective numerical representation and then perform the sum as follows:

syms a b c d;
arr = [a 2 b 3 c 4 d];
numeric_arr = double(arr); % convert symbolic variables to their numerical values
sum_numeric_values = sum(numeric_arr(isnumeric(numeric_arr))); % sum up only the numeric values in the array
228 chars
5 lines

In the above code, we first define an array arr containing symbolic variables a, b, c, and d along with some numeric values. We then convert the symbolic variables to their numerical representation using the double function. Finally, we use the sum function to sum up only the numeric values using the isnumeric function to filter out the symbolic variables.

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