convert a structure into a table but without the variable names in matlab

To convert a structure into a table without variable names in Matlab, you can use the struct2cell function to convert the structure to a cell array, and then use that to create a table using the cell2table function. Here's a code example:

myStruct = struct('field1', [1; 2; 3], 'field2', {'a'; 'b'; 'c'});
structCells = struct2cell(myStruct);
noNamesTable = cell2table(structCells.');
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Here, the struct2cell function converts myStruct to a cell array structCells, where each field of the structure is in a separate cell. The transpose of structCells is passed to cell2table, which creates a table with no variable names.

Note that when you create a table with no variable names, you won't be able to access the fields of the table using dot notation (table.field1), but you can access them using indexing (table{:, 1}).

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