manual pixel selection for grow cut segmentation then autosegment based on pixel intensity values within 100 then apply to subsequent slices in matlab in matlab

Here is an example code for manual pixel selection for grow cut segmentation, automated segmentation based on pixel intensity values within 100, and applying the segmentation to subsequent slices in Matlab:

% Read the image
img = imread('image.tif');

% Initialize segmentation mask
mask = zeros(size(img));

% Manual pixel selection using impixel function with imshow
[x,y] = impixel();

% Set the foreground pixels to 1 and background pixels to -1 in the mask
mask(sub2ind(size(img),y,x)) = 1;
mask(~mask) = -1;

% Use the 'activecontour' function to perform the initial segmentation
bw = activecontour(img, mask, 200);

% Perform grow cut segmentation on the initial segmentation
seg = region_seg(img, bw, 200, 2, 'chan');

% Apply the segmentation to subsequent slices in a loop
for i = 2 : size(img,3)
    % Read the next slice
    img_next = imread('image.tif', i);
    % Using the segmentation of the previous slice as the initial mask
    bw_next = activecontour(img_next, bw, 200); % perform active contour first
    seg_next = region_seg(img_next, bw_next, 200, 2, 'chan');
    % Update the segmentation and the mask
    seg(seg_next == 1) = i;
    mask = seg == i;
    % Save the segmentation results for each slice
    imwrite(seg_next,['seg_' num2str(i) '.tif']);
1113 chars
38 lines

Note: This code assumes that the input image is a 3D stack of grayscale images stored in a multi-page TIFF file. The region_seg function used in this code can be downloaded from the MATLAB File Exchange.

gistlibby LogSnag