solve discrete poisson equation with an input vorticity field using sor in matlab in matlab

To solve the discrete Poisson equation with an input vorticity field using the Successive Over-Relaxation (SOR) method in MATLAB, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define the domain and generate the vorticity field:
% Define domain parameters
N = 100;        % Number of grid points
L = 1;          % Domain size

% Generate the vorticity field as an example
omega = rand(N);    % Replace with your own vorticity field generation code
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  1. Set up the Poisson equation and initialize the variables:
% Set up grid and spacing
dx = L/N;
x = linspace(0, L, N);
y = linspace(0, L, N);

% Initialize the stream function field
psi = zeros(N);

% Initialize convergence criteria
max_iter = 1000;             % Maximum number of iterations
tolerance = 1e-6;            % Tolerance for convergence
converged = false;           % Convergence flag
iter = 0;                    % Iteration counter
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  1. Implement the SOR method to solve the Poisson equation:
% SOR parameters
omega_sor = 1.8;             % Over-relaxation factor

while ~converged && iter < max_iter
    % Perform one SOR iteration
    iter = iter + 1;
    for i = 2:N-1
        for j = 2:N-1
            psi(i, j) = (1-omega_sor)*psi(i, j) + omega_sor/(2/dx^2 + 2/dx^2)*(psi(i+1, j) + psi(i-1, j) + psi(i, j+1) + psi(i, j-1) - dx^2*omega(i, j));
    % Check convergence
    residual = max(abs(dx^2*(psi(2:N-1, 2:N-1) - (psi(1:N-2, 2:N-1) + psi(3:N, 2:N-1) + psi(2:N-1, 1:N-2) + psi(2:N-1, 3:N-1)) + dx^2*omega(2:N-1, 2:N-1)))));
    if residual < tolerance
        converged = true;
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  1. Plot the stream function field:
% Plot the stream function field
contourf(x, y, psi, 'LineStyle', 'none');
title('Stream Function Field');

% Add vector plot of velocity field (optional)
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
u = zeros(N);
v = zeros(N);
for i = 2:N-1
    for j = 2:N-1
        u(i, j) = -(psi(i+1, j) - psi(i-1, j))/(2*dx);
        v(i, j) = (psi(i, j+1) - psi(i, j-1))/(2*dx);
hold on;
quiver(X, Y, u, v, 'k');
hold off;
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This code assumes a square domain and a uniform spacing. Adjustments might be necessary based on the specific requirements of your problem.

Make sure to replace the random vorticity field generation code with your own code to generate the vorticity field based on your problem's specifications.

Remember to adjust the value of omega_sor to control the convergence speed of the SOR method. The optimal value depends on the problem, and you may need to experiment with different values to find the best one for your case.

Please note that this is a basic implementation of the SOR method and may not be the most efficient or accurate solution for your specific problem. Consider consulting relevant literature or more advanced techniques if higher accuracy or performance is required.

gistlibby LogSnag