Here is some sample code to get started with designing the GUI for a chess game in MATLAB:
% Create a figure window
fig = figure('Name', 'Chess Game');
% Create a 2D axes for the chess board
ax = axes('Parent', fig, 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8]);
% Draw the chess board squares
gridSize = 8;
squareSize = 0.1;
xLimits = [0 1];
yLimits = [0 1];
for row = 1:gridSize
for col = 1:gridSize
% Calculate the position and color of each square
squareX = (col-1)/gridSize*squareSize;
squareY = 1 - row/gridSize*squareSize;
squareColor = mod(row+col, 2);
% Draw the square as a patch object
square = patch('Parent', ax, 'XData', squareX + [0 0 squareSize squareSize], 'YData', squareY + [0 squareSize squareSize 0], 'FaceColor', [squareColor squareColor squareColor], 'EdgeColor', 'none');
% Draw the chess pieces
pieceSize = 0.08;
pieceData = imread('pieces.png');
pieceData = imresize(pieceData, pieceSize*[6 2]);
whitePieces = pieceData(:, 1:pieceSize:end, :);
blackPieces = pieceData(:, 2:pieceSize:end, :);
piecePositions = {'rook', 'knight', 'bishop', 'queen', 'king', 'bishop', 'knight', 'rook'; 'pawn', 'pawn', 'pawn', 'pawn', 'pawn', 'pawn', 'pawn', 'pawn'; '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''; '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''; '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''; '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''; 'pawn', 'pawn', 'pawn', 'pawn', 'pawn', 'pawn', 'pawn', 'pawn'; 'rook', 'knight', 'bishop', 'queen', 'king', 'bishop', 'knight', 'rook'};
for row = 1:gridSize
for col = 1:gridSize
% Check if a piece should be drawn in this position
pieceName = piecePositions{row, col};
if ~isempty(pieceName)
% Determine the color of the piece
if ismember(pieceName, {'pawn', 'rook', 'knight', 'bishop', 'queen', 'king'})
pieceColor = 'black';
pieceColor = 'white';
% Determine the image data of the piece
if strcmp(pieceColor, 'white')
pieceIndex = find(strcmp(pieceName, {'rook', 'knight', 'bishop', 'queen', 'king', 'pawn'}));
pieceData = whitePieces(:, :, pieceIndex);
pieceIndex = find(strcmp(pieceName, {'rook', 'knight', 'bishop', 'queen', 'king', 'pawn'})) - 6;
pieceData = blackPieces(:, :, pieceIndex);
% Calculate the position of the piece
pieceX = (col-1)/gridSize + squareSize/2 - pieceSize/2;
pieceY = 1 - row/gridSize - squareSize/2 - pieceSize/2;
% Draw the piece as an image object
piece = image('Parent', ax, 'XData', pieceX + [0 pieceSize], 'YData', pieceY + [0 pieceSize], 'CData', pieceData, 'AlphaData', sum(pieceData, 3) ~= 0);
This code will draw a chess board with pieces on it. You can then add event listeners and callbacks to enable user interaction with the game.