add element to cell function in matlab

To add an element to a cell in Matlab, you can use the curly braces notation to access the cell element you want to add to, and then use the end + 1 index to add the new element to the end of the cell.

Here is an example function that adds an element to a cell:

function new_cell = add_elem_to_cell(old_cell, new_elem)
% Adds an element to a cell
% Inputs:
%   - old_cell: the cell to add an element to
%   - new_elem: the new element to add to the cell
% Output:
%   - new_cell: the resulting cell with the new element added

% Make a copy of the old cell
new_cell = old_cell;

% Add the new element to the end of the cell
new_cell{end + 1} = new_elem;
396 chars
16 lines

Here's an example usage of the above function:

>> old_cell = {'a', 'b', 'c'};
>> new_elem = 'd';
>> new_cell = add_elem_to_cell(old_cell, new_elem);
>> disp(new_cell)
    'a'    'b'    'c'    'd'
149 chars
6 lines

gistlibby LogSnag