create a function that rotates a 4-dimensional array about a specified axis by a specified angle in matlab

To rotate a 4D-array about a specified axis by a specified angle in MATLAB, you could create a function that takes in the 4D-array, specified axis, and angle as input parameters:

function rotatedArray = rotate4DArray(array4D, axis, angle)
60 chars
2 lines

Here, array4D is the input array, axis is the specified axis of rotation (can be 1, 2, 3, or 4), and angle is the angle of rotation in radians.

To perform the rotation, we can use the built-in imrotate function and apply it to each slice of the 4D-array along the specified axis. Here's an example implementation for the case where axis is 1 (i.e., rotating about the first dimension):

function rotatedArray = rotate4DArray(array4D, axis, angle)
    % Specify axis to rotate
    dims = ndims(array4D);
    permDims = [axis, 1:(axis-1), (axis+1):dims];
    % Rotate each slice of the 4D-array along specified axis
    rotatedSlices = cell(size(array4D, axis), 1);
    for i = 1:size(array4D, axis)
        rotatedSlices{i} = imrotate(squeeze(array4D(i,:,:,:)), ...
            angle*180/pi, 'bilinear', 'crop');
    % Concatenate rotated slices back into a 4D-array
    rotatedArray = permute(cat(permDims, rotatedSlices{:}), ...
        [2:axis, 1, (axis+1):dims]);
602 chars
17 lines

This implementation uses squeeze to extract the slice specified by i along the specified axis, rotates the slice using imrotate, and stores it in a cell array. The rotated slices are then concatenated back into a 4D-array using cat and permute.

Note that you will need to modify this implementation for the cases where axis is 2, 3, or 4. Also, depending on your application, you may want to use a different rotation function instead of imrotate.

gistlibby LogSnag